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Lecture about the Bothnian Sea
Wednesdaymorning we had the pleasure of having a lecture by Jussi Tomberg, advisory teacher for sustainability. He told us very interesting things and details about Bothnian Sea,…
Pictures and text from the trip to Finland are now on the homepage
At the top at the page you can find the Finland column and the pictures and text for each day are in the studentsvisit.
Preperation for the visit of teachers in Faroe Islands
Leading up to the days where teachers from Finland and Iceland were due to arrive, there were a lot of things to take in considerations - one of our main hurdles or team mate was t…
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Nordpluss project: Outdoor, adventure-based teaching
Finland, Iceland and Faroe Islands work toghether in a Nordpluss project.

Nordpluss has arranged for the tree nordic countrys to work togehter with the interesting and very actual project.

For us in the Faroe Islands this is a great oppertunity to work along with other schools in the nordic erea, with the interesting agenda of: teaching sustainability in classroom From our point of view the placebased learning concept will be a great part of our attributation to this project.
Laanila School in Oulu in Finland did see great opptertunities in this Nordpluss project
Terhi Sainio and Sari Rajakangas, Laanila School, Oulu, Finland
"We are privileged to be in this cooperation with teachers and students from Iceland and Faeroe Island. Such an amazing possibility to get closer to such exotic and beautiful nature."
Our participation together with Faroe Islands and Finland is a steppingstone...
Eygló Friðriksdóttir
Principal Sæmundarskóli, Reykjavík